Sunday 7 October 2012

It's Ended? The Sem 1 Final Exam?

It has been about 2 week’s right? That I did not update my blog? Laugh.
So, with the God blessing, I had finished my Final exam. You know how it feels?! Yeah! That’s It! Let me describe each single of the paper I took. The first paper is the Bahasa Melayu paper. Well, this paper is not really that hard for me, but yet, it still can be counted as hard. The Reason why is that I misunderstood lots of the question I read… Ugh. SUCK! Moreover, for the grammar paper, I answered wrongly for the example of those descriptions. The example must be taken from the passage given, yet, I went to answer it with my own answer. 
Fish the Mutton Fisher!  
To be conclusion, exams are hard if you don’t study.
So forget about the exams, and think about going back Sabah!  This Tuesday I’m going back Sabah! Am so excited till my heart are pumping and body feels the heat of happiness. What am I crapping about? Oh never-mind.
Right now I’m staying for a few days at Lennon house, before I’m leaving to Sabah. -Yeah, my Pre-Home Sweet Home. Laughs. I’ll be having fun for now!
I’ll story out my experience when I’m back to my Home.

Lots Of Love,

Douglas Yuan

See You When I See You.

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