Sunday 14 October 2012

Farantrastic ~

I woke up yesterday in the afternoon.
Yeah. Afternoon. I need enough sleep so I can get healthy.
Actually, I'm awake because my phone was ringing.
someone called me.
It's Lennon eldest sister, Carmen. (Laughs)

therefore, I'm awake and went to the washroom. Then I smelled something delicious...
Something that very rare to smell. HAH!
Apparently, my mum making one of my favorite cake (Kuih), The Radish Cake ( Luo Buo Gao )

<-- This is how it looks like.

It is quite Unique because normally, people will use Banana leaves as a lining, but my mum used Pandan leaves !

The aroma is totally different!
Very fascinating !


14th October 2012,

Wake up early today.
Mum wakes me me up. Going to the bank again to manage the Bank book.
then, we went to Pizza Hut to have our Breakfast.
we ordered quite a lot and i had a very tummy-fulled Breakfast.

We ordered,
- 1 Super Supreme Pan Pizza
- 2 Bowls of Mushroom Soups
- 2 Cups of Pepsi
- A plate of Bread Sticks
- 1 Plate of Cheesy Baked Meat Ball

While having our breakfast,
I chatted much with my mum.
I missed to chat with her :)

Thus, we continue our day going to Suria Sabah.
Was wanted to buy Cooling Pad for my Laptop because I didn't bring back the Cooling Pad that my sister gave me at Tanjong Malim.

So, I bought a cooling pad, and I spent another of my RM60 on a new Wallet.
Mr.Babila, Has retired at 14th October 2012 from being a Loyal Wallet since 2007 for his Master, Douglas Ivan Shim Vui Yen.
Goodbye Mr.Babila.

Say Hi to Mr.Northern Rock Long Wallet !

Mr. Northern Rock

It's so nice-nice till  I can die!

Then we went back home,
and go to Church after then.


Just had my dinner.
my mum cooked her best Fried Vermicelli,
and the "Buo Li Seng Chai". Lettuce, said Lennon.

Left: Fried Vermicelli | Right: Veggie

Had a very nice dinner tonight.
Thanks, Mother.


Going to play Dragon Nest !

Kay, Bye!

Lots of Love,
Douglas Yuan.