Him, an Angel [Chapter 1]

Him, an Angel

Chapter 1 – The first Talk


                “Good Night.”, said Mom, before going off to bed.  
Tomorrow will be the first day for me to start my third year in middle school.  Like every year resolution, I am wishing to have the faith to study hard and get good result. As I lay down on my bed and thinking what will happen for this year, I falls asleep.
*Alarm tone* Still sleepy, while the hand searching for the phone on a small desk next to his bed. As I took my phone and look into the clock in it, it’s already quarter past five. The school bus will be arriving in thirty minutes. I wake myself up, and hit to the bathroom to take my daily morning shower. Cold with air-condition turn on in my room; quickly wear my school uniform on.
Saying goodbye to mother before leaving, and I walked out to the place where I usually wait for my school bus. Few minutes later, my school bus arrived. Like usual, I will sit on the same seat where I usually will sit on. It has already been 8 years for me since I am in my elementary school. I sat on the seat next to the door, as I am always the last one to get picked up before going to school, so no one will be bothered to get in anymore.
The bus took off, and it usually turns left but not today, the first day of my third year, as it turned right. Driving about three hundred meters far from my house, and the school bus stopped in front of one small terrace house that has a big mango tree blocking the house to be seen from outside.
It is about a minute passed, not a shadow of a person appears from that house, and somehow looks haunted. The bus driver cannot wait anymore, and honked, early in the morning when peoples are still sleeping. But after the honk, I saw lights are turned on from the house, and the gate opens. A guy, with the same school uniform like mine, coming out from the house as he reached the door of the school bus, he raised his head, and I looked at him, when he looked back at me, as the door opened. It was him, Nigel.

I know him since I was in the elementary school. Nigel’s class was located two classes away from the class I am in. Every time before going back home, Nigel will shout my name, waving and says goodbye to me. I am not really being a snob, just that I do not like to respond to people that I do not know, therefore I ignored him and Nigel did that till the end of the elementary, which he did that for almost three years.
As Nigel entered the bus, I can see a smile on Nigel’s face while he is looking at me. As for this time, I smiled back. The bus continues its way to my school and dropped me down when it reached to my school. And this time, with Nigel along. Not caring about Nigel, I walked across the road to my school and left him behind, then, Nigel shouted. I was stunned, turn my head back, looking at him. Nigel is smiling while walking towards me and says, “Hey, Dan! Wait for me!”.
                I waited, and we entered the school together. It is the first day of class, so it is the way which we will search for our class with the name list stick on each of the class door. We search together and I found mine, 3-3, and Nigel’s class just next to my class, which is 3-4. What a coincidence, and Nigel shouted, “Hey! I’m next to you!”.
                I went in to the class and put my bag down on the seat I chose, and leave to the café for my breakfast. Nigel saw me and followed from behind.  On our way to the café, suddenly, Nigel asked, “do you know me?”, with his face curious face. Then I replied,” No.”, crudely.  As we reached to the café and I took my food, we sat down on a table next to the pond, and Nigel starts to talk about him and the past in the elementary.
The bell rang, and the class is going to start.  I am a slow eater and I have not finish the food I bought. Nigel stayed here waiting for me to finish my food. “Go back to your class now, or you’ll be late.”, I said, quite frustrated. Yet, Nigel refuses and replied, “I will never leave my friend to walk alone.”. I was surprised by his words and continue eating my breakfast.
Class has ended, and I took my bag and walked out from the class, looking at the class next door, it is empty and I thought of what Nigel had said in the café just now are just a lie. Walking towards the school gate, with my quite disappointed face, I saw him, Nigel, waving in front of the gate. I walk toward the gate and passed through him, not giving a damn respond to him. He followed from the back. As it is the first time for Nigel to go back home with school bus, he followed me all the way to the place where I usually wait for the school bus.
“Where were you just now?”, I asked Nigel, feeling curious about the empty class.  “Oh You mean our class? Ahh… our teacher brought us to the science lab.”, said Nigel. “Why? Miss me?”, said Nigel again, while laughing sneakily. I then moved away and sat on the bench under the big old tree, taking out a novel and starts reading it. Not long later, the school bus arrived, and we boarded the bus back home. Reaching to Nigel house, he turned back where I am sitting, behind, while I am reading my novel. As the bus stopped, he said to me, “Thank you, It’s great that you know me now”, with a smile on his face and went down. I looked at him, speechless, and the bus left as Nigel waves once again. 

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