Monday 15 October 2012

A sudden Heart Aching.

Yesterday Night,
I mean, midnight I got a sudden heart aching while playing game.
played PvP. It was So solicitous !
Then after finished,
I was okay then, but all of sudden,
the aching came straight to it and I barely breath.
so I went to sleep after then.


My mother wakes me up, 0700 GMT+8. Fudging early,
but thank God that i'm still alive.
so, we went for our breakfast together, with my dad.
I told my story about last night to them.
after breakfast, they brought me to the Clinic to have a Medical Check up.
Did you know what the Doctor said?

Conversation with doctor:
(The actual conversation are in Chinese, so, I guess it goes like this.)

Doctor: Morning.
Me: Morning.
Doctor: What's your problem?
Me: Yesterday night, I played game, then suddenly I got heart aching and hard to breath.
Doctor: how long it has been?
Me: not long, I went to sleep after then.
Doctor: Feel anything while you sleeping?
Me: Ya, body felt very warm, heart beat pump so quickly.
Doctor: What did you ate earlier?
Me: Fried Vermicelli and Boiled Lettuces.

** He asked a lot and I forgotten **

Doctor: Okay, go in there then take off your cloth. I want to check your condition.
Me: Oh...

**PS: Nasib it is a guy, if lady doctor sure very shy **

so then he checked, he asked me to wait awhile.
Did another X-ray, which I hate it.

after half an hour,
he told me my condition.
He said,

Doctor: Err, Mr. Douglas, did you eat any pills this few days?
Me: Nope.
Doctor: Okay, your heart actually is very weak. you cannot do things that very "Chi Gek" one.
Me: Huh..?
Doctor: and then when you hard to breath, is your room got air?
Me: I think so.
Doctor: another thing making you hard to breath is that, maybe your room condition not enough oxygen    that's why you felt hard to breath.
Me: Oh..
Doctor: I'm not give you this pills hor, eat this 2 times a day for 3 days.
Me: Oh..
Doctor: Okay lah, Take care of yourself, drink more water, eat more veggie. Don't eat too much meat.
Me: Oh..

*** Then I went back home, ate the Medicine and slept ***

Awake when Lennon Sms-ed me and asked about my condition.

Felt much better now.. :)

"Humans will leave this earth one day, Just it is either earlier or later"

Kay, Bye.

Lots Of Love,
Douglas Yuan.

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