Him, an Angel. [Characters]

[Him, an Angel] Characters.
- The only child
- Kind, sensitive, pampered, easily gets sulk, uncommunicative.
- Have a very shining eye balls with a little of slant, and quite thick eyebrows.
- Sharp chin.
- Tall and slim.
- Black hair, with a little fringe in front.
- Small cute ear, everyone loves to tease about his ear.
- A lot of girls friend.
- Love to sing
- A Prince of Gaming.

- The eldest son among five others sibling.
- Daniel’s best friend.
- Kind, playful, emotional, responsible, talkative, friendly, care.
- A little of slant in the eye, and quite thick eyebrows.
- Tall and buff.
- Black soft hair, smooth.
-  Loves Archery.

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