Wednesday 10 October 2012

Home Sweet Home !

I’m Home!

This few days living at Lennon’s house had created a great memorable time for me. Great Memoirs will always stay in my heart.

5th October 2012,
I wake up early in the morning, about 7 O’clock. I’m too excited to get out from the smelly and unhygienic University accommodation. Went and did my daily routines (Bath etc.) and wanting for breakfast.


Lennon messaged me, asked me when my sister is going for her class and he also told me when his parents are coming. So, I called my sister and she said she we’re free for the whole day. (I eventually promised her that I will join the Chinese Association meeting today, but I broke it.) … Few minutes or hours later on, I sent my belongings to her house. Lennon helped me to carry my Bag that full of my junks. I can barely carry it. Well, I got no strength to carry that so-called-HUGE bag. Later on, I had my breakfast, ate a pack of Nasi Lemak.


Depart to Lennon’s House, Rawang.
While on the way to his house, I got to know his parents. At the first moment, it is quite awkward. Well, durh? First time meets his parents. I’m quite nervous because I’m not a very good conversationalist. We departed around 1030 GMT+8 …
It just took around 50 minutes to reach Lennon house. We arrived at around 1125. Dropped my luggage and Lennon brought me to his school. He met his old friends. It’s a very awkward situation for me because I do not even recognize a single person of them, Just Lennon. Actually, he wanted to show me his so-called-girlfriend. Unfortunately, she left earlier. Not my luck to see his beautiful chick. *(Laughs)*

After staying awhile in his school, we went to his younger sister school. Awhile later, we went back home and we had our lunch. Yes, Lunch. J


Night, I don’t really remember what I did on this day. As I know, I get to know his elder sister, Carmen Lee, an Aesthetician. Ah, yes. She story-telling about her life’s in PLKN, the Malaysian National Services. It was fun though. not long later, she helped me to check my face condition and the product I used.

So the day passed…

6th October 2012

Wake up around 1030 GMT+8. Lennon and I have a date with Farsha today. Farsha, The Princess of Tun Shariman. She asked us to wait for her at Selayang Mall, that she will come and fetch us. She said she will be arriving at around 1200 O’clock. Yet, she was late. Lennon brought me around Selayang Mall, the Mall that not so big yet not a small one.


1243, Farsha arrived. She brought us to One Utama.
Walked around One Utama . We went to the Secret Garden of One Utama and played Soft Balls. It’s my first time!
Some memorable photos,

Farsha, Lennon and I.

Myself(Left) and Lennon(Right).

 So, after a long walk and games, we decided to have our lunch. Farsha and Lennon was arguing on what to eat for Lunch. Farsha wanted to bring us to Milano’s Western food. She said it was cheap. A plate of spaghetti only cost about Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 9. (She said).
On the other side, Lennon wanted to eat McDonald. He had been craving for it. Well, you know, Tanjung Malim got no McDonald.

                Unfortunately, Farsha rejected what Lennon is urging for. How sad.


So, we went to Milano’s. When we almost sit on the chair, a guy came out from the kitchen and said, “I am so sorry! The Kitchen is break down and we’re having some problems. We can’t take any orders for now. I’m so sorry!”.

How sad, looking at Farsha face who had crave for Milano’s food for a long time. There’s nothing we can do. Lennon was happy for a moment because if Milano’s is out, then, the next might be McDonald! So, we decided to go McDonald (actually I am craving for it too!)

Yet, looking at Farsha’s sad face, we canceled our pretension on McDonald. So, we changed our mind and went to One Utama’s Food court. *The foods here are quite expensive*. “Durh, Kuala Lumpur, what do you expect” , said Lennon.


I ordered Fettuccine Carbonara, My favorite, just the Carbonara sauce. (Laughs) Drink, I had a bottle of Mango with oranges mixture juice.

Lennon ordered some sort of Ramen. Curry Ramen if I’m not wrong. He had his Ice Lemon Tea as a drink.

Farsha ordered Spaghetti Bolognese and Cola as her drink.

we chit-chatted while we having our meals.

We went back home after then…


We took KTM train from Kepong to Batu Caves.
We reached to Batu Caves.
We spent our time there, viewing the ducks in the lake, somewhere inside Batu Caves.
Hmm… there is something …


Back home and we had our Dinner. Bak Kut Teh(Pork Ribs Tea Soup), a Chinese traditional food. After that, her sister helped me apply the mask on my face. It feels good! Totally great!
When applying, it’s like a cold texture.

So, after applying the mask, we sat down, watch anime’s and chit-chatting…

A day has passed again …

7th October 2012,

It’s Sunday.

Wake up around 1100 GMT+8. We had our breakfast by then. Today we did nothing much. We are just staying at home, playing PS2 for almost a half day. Lennon said he wanted to show me the game, which kind of look alike the anime’s we watched, Sword Art Online. I saw it and it’s quite interesting. It looks like an Online Game. Then, we played “Bomberman” and “Mario”. I’m totally sucked at playing them. (Laughs)


Around 1700 GMT+8,
We went to cycle around his living place. Went down and went up the hills. I enjoyed it …J one funny thing is, I cycled faster than Lennon when on the way up the hills, (Laughs) and he shocked that how I got those energy cycling up the hill. I also do not know how I got those energies. My bicycle is much lighter than his I think? Haha.

After cycling, we went for swimming. Sadly, Lennon can’t swim this year. Hope he can contract with the water next year. I really wish to go to the beach with him and others.
While swimming, his sister, Lan Jie if I’m not wrong and him teaches me on how to swim. (Quite of…) Haha. I learnt a new thing today. Thanks guys. J


It’s night.
I bathed and I had dinner with his family all together. This is the first time having dinner with all his family sitting in a round table. We had steamboat today. It has been so long since I had a steamboat last year with my family. It felt so warm and I nearly shed a tear when having it. It reminds me of my family… (Well, Lennon home is my Pre-Home-Sweet-Home, XD) That’s why I ate a lot. Moreover, I swamp. That’s why it feels hungrier than before. *Laughs*

After had our dinner, Lennon sister, Carmen, brought me to a shop which sells something like Ice Blended Ice cream. It’s called as the “Bao Ping”. Lennon and I ordered Chocolate Bao Ping and her sister ordered Mint Bao Ping. We chit-chatted and talk about the past.

We went home after that …

Another day has passed again …

8th October 2012,

Monday, The last day.

It’s the last day that I’m staying at Lennon home and going back Sabah tomorrow.
Quite sad and quite excited because I’m going back soon!
 Wake up early in the morning,
And accidentally took a picture of him, my twin brother (XD),

 He looks cute, isn’t it? Yeah I know. Ugly but adorable.
很丑, 但是可爱的.  哈哈哈!Joking Bro. Don't mad at me! Love You! XD

After that, we had our breakfast. He cooked for me, or maybe he only warm it up. I don’t know. Then, we went to his sister workplace, Clara International. Miss Carmen helped me to do facial treatment. After done my facial treatment, Lennon and I went to KL Central to buy McDonald, The food we both craving for. (Laughs) having our Lunch in Carmen’s Workplace. Another great memory.

 Farsha and Her Burger.

Now, we’re at Times Square. Walking around, spending our times. Farsha found a shop and she can stay there for half an hour. This the Picture of her, buying cloth.

While she is enjoying her shopping spree, Lennon and I walked around the 3rd Floor. While then, I bought a Beats Headphone. Can know it’s fake, but kind of look like real. See who is using it. (Laughs) after that, we went back home and have our dinner.


At Chatime.

I bought Lemon Yogurt Smoothie. Chit-chatted and took some photos. It’s the last day, with them J

The last day, has ended...

Thank you to,

Lee Lennon,
Lee Carmen,
Lee Lennon's Family,
& Tun Farsha Shahirah binti Tun Shariman.

9th October,

I'm Home J
Ah B(Left), Me(Middle), Xiao Ming (Right)

.::::- The End -::::.

Lots of Love,
Douglas Yuan.

Kay, Bye!

1 comment:

  1. nice! i feel jealous... btw ur cousins(?) are sooooooo cute!!! wanna pinch! XD
