Monday 22 October 2012

What Is It?

21st October 2012.
It has been 2 weeks I’m at Sabah. Friends? Hahs. Yeah, it is just the first day they came and find me. They promised me that Saturday will hang out again, watch movies. *Laugh* Looks like they had forgotten about me, or they’re busying with their lives? Am I thinking too much? Oh Well…

This week my mum had made lots of food for me. One of the best, she made Lasagna!

Second, she made Cheese cake!

With add on, Blueberries! :3

It’s quite boring this few days. Sleep half a day, eat, gaming all day long. No social. Sien.
I wonder when my friends have free time to go out with me. Sigh. 


I’m now at my aunt house, waiting for her to finish her cooking. Can’t wait to go back home to level up my DN Character!
I just bought 14,000CC. I bought it because I want to expand my Storage and Inventory slot. 1,400CC for 30 slots! It’s very cheap. Normal price is 17,500 For 30 slots!
I’m going to main my Mercenary.
YOLO! Laugh.


Lots Of Love,
Douglas Yuan.

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