Wednesday 20 June 2012

Made New Friends !

I got no JARING account yet for myself. So , i cant get online in my So-Called Hostel,
or maybe a College. HAH.
but Thank God , The Library got free WiFi Access and IT IS AWESOME !
You Know why?

It is because right in the Library , there are less people who using The Internet. So,
this make the internet wireless connectivity are way much faster than in the College.

So, Yesterday night ,
I met few new friend . New few friends? Oh , whatever it is.
I got new Friends ! Now ! Not alone anymore ! -Forever Alone Guy- LOL.

so, 2 Chinese , 4 Indians and 1 Sarawakian ,
Bao Man or Bomber ( thats what he ask us to call him , HAH )
Lennon , The sorta Trouble Maker.
Mugu , The Tall Indian Guy. Ya, taller than me, obviously.
Tamil ? Tamel? I Dont really know how to spell his name. He's the oldest among all of us .
Jehan , An indian who converted to Muslim, A Nice outgoing girl !
Melin , At first i thought MERLIN. yet she corrected me , Nice name she had there.
Last but not least , Imelda , The sarawakian , my classmate . She's totally a Writer.
View her blog at
A total great story she wrote in her blog.

So this the few friends i hanged out with. Might be a close friend. soon. hope so. lol

Oh, I Met a new girl, Tun Farsha her name, a RICH girl
she spend for my Lunch just now , A total great one .
Not to be forgotten , a new Boy , Kenny His name , friend of Imelda .
A Sarawakian also .

Today i got alot of free time till 5pm.
The first class was in 8am In the morning till 10am.
So now , I've to wait the time pass .
I lazy wanna go back to the KHAR ( Kolej Harun Aminurrashid), the place I'm staying.

The Listening and Speaking class is such a FUN class, our Lecturer , Mister Seva , totally a great Joker .
It makes the Lecturing class does not feel bored at all ! I laughed a lot and learnt lots of what he teaches today.

So thats all for now , Till I post again .

I See You When I See You
-Douglas Yuan


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. NicE! i've found your Blog ady... thanks for being my friend... Remember, once a person be ur friend, don't ever ever unfriend 'em. never forget 'em... what u hve written touches my heart, honestly. thanks again :)
