Tuesday 26 June 2012

You All DAMN Annoying !

Friend with malay girls,
people say scare later i fall in love with malays , as a christian cannot Fall with Malay.
Friend with too many boys,
people say I Gay .
Friend with too many girls ,
people say i'm "Pondan" .
Seriously, how come your people mind is so freaking NARROW? Be OPEN a bit Okay.
I know what is wrong and what is right.
 I got my PARENT Guiding me and STOP making my Mum and Dad worry about me.
They stressed enough ! PLEASE !
Seriously, you all spoiled my mood for today. FUCK

Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Road not Taken By Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken

Two road diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both,
Ant be on e traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back,

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

I See You When I See You
-Douglas Yuan

Made New Friends !

I got no JARING account yet for myself. So , i cant get online in my So-Called Hostel,
or maybe a College. HAH.
but Thank God , The Library got free WiFi Access and IT IS AWESOME !
You Know why?

It is because right in the Library , there are less people who using The Internet. So,
this make the internet wireless connectivity are way much faster than in the College.

So, Yesterday night ,
I met few new friend . New few friends? Oh , whatever it is.
I got new Friends ! Now ! Not alone anymore ! -Forever Alone Guy- LOL.

so, 2 Chinese , 4 Indians and 1 Sarawakian ,
Bao Man or Bomber ( thats what he ask us to call him , HAH )
Lennon , The sorta Trouble Maker.
Mugu , The Tall Indian Guy. Ya, taller than me, obviously.
Tamil ? Tamel? I Dont really know how to spell his name. He's the oldest among all of us .
Jehan , An indian who converted to Muslim, A Nice outgoing girl !
Melin , At first i thought MERLIN. yet she corrected me , Nice name she had there.
Last but not least , Imelda , The sarawakian , my classmate . She's totally a Writer.
View her blog at www.justmia94.blogspot.com
A total great story she wrote in her blog.

So this the few friends i hanged out with. Might be a close friend. soon. hope so. lol

Oh, I Met a new girl, Tun Farsha her name, a RICH girl
she spend for my Lunch just now , A total great one .
Not to be forgotten , a new Boy , Kenny His name , friend of Imelda .
A Sarawakian also .

Today i got alot of free time till 5pm.
The first class was in 8am In the morning till 10am.
So now , I've to wait the time pass .
I lazy wanna go back to the KHAR ( Kolej Harun Aminurrashid), the place I'm staying.

The Listening and Speaking class is such a FUN class, our Lecturer , Mister Seva , totally a great Joker .
It makes the Lecturing class does not feel bored at all ! I laughed a lot and learnt lots of what he teaches today.

So thats all for now , Till I post again .

I See You When I See You
-Douglas Yuan

Tuesday 19 June 2012

New Life Start :)

Woke up today , about 9:00am in the morning .
then about 10:30am , after ready up , went for the Diploma Registration.
Seriously , Kinda Freaky at the first time. =.=
I wonder when then I can get my Matrix Card . Sigh

Oh God The Father Almighty , The Creator Of Heaven and Earth , Please bless me and guide me Lord.
My sister will not be around for few days , weeks or more worst, Month ..
have to be independent all by myself.. : (
I'm kinda scare though ...
this few days I'm not scared because my sister still around me ..
but starting tomorrow , I'M ALL ALONE : (

I wan my Matrix card. If not , i cant get online . Serious, it sucks if i cant online.
meanwhile , My Blog will looks INACTIVE without it. Oh Am Geeezzz..
and also, they using scanning system for taking attendance ! Omgoodness !
So that means , Even though I'm the class , yet , I'm still not in the class. Is it?
But my sister said don't worry . the scanning system is not working properly...
Hmm.. Hope so :)

My Mum payed the rest for my study fees . I Hope there's no problem about it already .
Sigh. Lots of anxious appeared in me.

I had been to 2 classes today..
BIK1023 - Reading skills . Quite fun though.
QSC1011 - co-curriculum . No Lecturer for today..

Seriously , It's just the first day yet I'm so tired . Sigh.

that's all for today .

I See You When I See You
-Douglas Yuan

Sunday 17 June 2012

Starting My New Life at UPSI

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

Tomorrow is the registration for the Diploma course im studying.
I'm quite nervous 'bout it because i'm doing it alone tomorrow. 
God Bless me tomorrow. 
I really hope there is nothing bad gonna happen .

I started to live by myself,
without my parents,
All the best for myself . Hope I can make it.

Today i learnt on how to take Monorail or what so ever it is .
Take bus From LCCT to KL Central , then use Monorail to Pudu Raya , 
and took bus from Pudu Raya to UPSI Campus , Tanjung Malim. 
Quite complicated though . Well , A Developing Country.
At the moment , I'm staying at my Sister Campus House, maybe till everything is settle down .
I wonder if the Lecture Start on tuesday.. I Hate it ! 
Too Early to start T.T But yet its on the Evening, 5pm to 7pm. Yeah.. Awesome Right?
I'M STUDYING AT NIGHT ! >:D ( Oh God, Bless Me )

Anyway , Dinner For Today , Nasi Goreng Kampung, DANG ! Spicy . 
too much of salt and chilies . Yet, Not bad though. 
Hmm , Wish me luck tomorrow :)

See You When I See You.
 Douglas Yuan

Saturday 9 June 2012

Kebaikan Hidup Berjiran

     Kemakmuran sesebuah negara adalah bergantung pada kemantapan dan keutuhan hubungan dalam
setiap lapisan masyarakat. Hubungan yang erat antara jiran adalah antara ciri - ciri masyarakat yang 
berkualiti. Semangat kejiranan bukan sahaja dapat mewujudkan suasana yang harmoni dan aman, bahkan mampu menjadi aset paling penting kepada negara.

     Jiran ialah orang yang tinggal paling hampir dengan tempat kediaman kita. Segala perkara yang berlaku
pada diri kita diketahui dahulu oleh jiran.. Oleh itu , jiran merupakan orang yang paling mudah memberi pertolongan pada saat kita ditimpa bencana. Di samping itu, jiran yang sepakat dan bersatu padau mampu 
menjamin keselamatan setempat sementara itu juga dapat mengurangkan kes jenayah.

     Selain itu, semangat kerjasama dan keprihatinan sesama jiran juga amat penting. Contohnya, apabila kita mempunyai masalah , kita boleh meminta bantuan daripada jiran untuk menjaga anak - anak kita. Bukan itu sahaja , Ia juga dapat memastikan keselamatan anak-anak kita terjamin . Apabila jiran menghadapi masalah kesihatan atau berlakunya kecelakaan , kita boleh membantu jiran mendapatkan rawatan.

     Seterusnya , Perpaduan antara masyarakat juga amat penting . Tanpa perpaduan , negara akan berada dalam keadaan kucar - kacir dan masyarakat tidak dapat hidup dalam keaadan yang aman dan damai . Perpaduan dapat dilahirkan melalui hubungan baik sesama jiran. Sekiranya perpaduan ini diabaikan, maka lambat laun akan tercetusnya bibit - bibit permusuhan yang akhirnya membwa kepada perbalahan dan perpecahan.

     Kesimpulannya , jelaslah kepada kita betapa pentingnya peranan jiran dalam menentukan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraann sesebuah negara . Hanya negara yang makmur dan sejahtera sahaja yang akan dapat meneruskan agenda pembangunan yang lebih gemilang pada masa akan datang . 

239 Patah Perkataan.