Tuesday 19 March 2013

Thrust of Unsatisfactory

This story was a dream of mine when I’m having my nap at Noon. It’s quite unbelievable.

It was early in the morning, Sun shining straight to my face, waking me up around 7 O'clock in the morning. It was Sunday, the day where I usually will wake up at 6 to get ready to go to Work. Hell yeah I know, Sunday, and I still have to work. I work as a journal writer in one of the famous News Company in Malaysia. I need to go to work by 7 Quarter pass three in order for me to reach to my work by 7 and a half in the Morning.  As I’m awake, I straight go in to my cosy bathroom, turning on the water tap and adjust the temperature water to 45% warm, a perfect morning shower. Then, I took my usual cloth, wear it and not to forget to bring my baby along, Canon 60D camera.  It’s perfectly 7 Quarter pass three, I take my motorcycle out from the garage, drive to my work place. 

7 and a half, I reached my work place, looking on my table, wondering what news today I am going to write about. It was a picture of a guy, and a brief note on what happened towards him. Looking at the picture, I was shocked, heart stops beating for a moment, barely able to breath and get to calm myself down after a few second later. To confirm whether he is the person I know, I took the note and read it, written the name “Lee Lennon”. As I saw the name, it is confirmed. It mentioned that he got crazy and killed a guy who cheated on him, and he managed to run away from the catch of the police. I have no choice and so, I have to write about it. Few hours, spending my time on writing the news, finding information all around the net and I finally finished it after 5 hours. Sent it up to the publishing office, I go back home after that. While on my way back home, driving my baby Mitsubishi motorcycle, the wonders on my mind never stop. What happen to him? I’m sure there is something.

Next morning, I woke up late, even though the sunlight shrine on my eye. Monday is my off day, where people usually hate Monday. Walked towards my door, took the newspaper in my mailbox, my article was on the main page of the newspaper. His face was posted large (I didn’t ask for that). Then, I went in to my kitchen, cook breakfast for my own. After finish eating my breakfast, I went up to my room, took out and wear up my purple cotton t-shirt, a pair of skinny jean and my favourite black sweater. Today, I have a date with a girl I like, Miss Rika. She works as a Lecturer in a Science technologies University. Without wasting my time, I took my key and drive my motorcycle to the place we promised to meet.

As I have reached there, she was standing in front of a flower shop, picking up one stalk of Lavender from a basket blue in color. Silently, I parked my motorcycle far from her, and paid the Lavender for her. Going towards her, I said “Hold it, don’t throw it away”. She smiled and we walked to a cinema nearby.  After finished the movie, we went to eat and having fun all day long. As day getting dark, sun lowered down and moon gets up, we separated as we brought our own vehicle. Waving goodbye and I walked to the place where my motorcycle was parked. It’s was silent as it was 3 O’clock in the midnight.

Quite creepy, when suddenly an old car, drove in a high speed, crashed my motor as I get to escape. I was traumatized by what I saw as my motorcycle flew to the road across. And in sudden, the car reversed, heading towards me, and I ran but unfortunately, I am slow and got hit therefore I dropped on the ground, scratched my elbow on the crude road. The car stopped and a guy came own, can’t see his face clearly as the mist covered him from far. Heard my watch ticking, he walks step by step and getting closer.  As I saw his spectacles, and it was Lennon! Traumatized for another time and I am unable to starts a word. He walked even closer, pulled my cloth collar, saying “Why, why wrote about me!!!” I got scared and muted for a moment, when I am able to ask him a question after then, “What happen to you?”

He got mad when I asked, Then he hold my neck with his strong hand, making me unable to take a deep breath. Sweat flowing out from my body, scared of what will happen. I took out my phone, trying to call for help from 999. Unfortunately, he saw it, shouted on my face, “YOU DARE TO CALL THE POLICE?”, and he got Wrath, taking out his pocket knife and stabbed me with it to my bottom right abdomens, three times. Blood flowing, as he looking at me, got scared and ran away. I was tumbled to the floor, holding the pain of the three thrust. Panting for help, but no one was there.

***The End***

The story ends because I was awake.

Me, Myself.
Lennon, The Killer.
Rika, Someone I know.

Lots of Love,
Douglas Yuan.

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