Monday 13 August 2012

D' Sunday, Carbonara Mushroom Spiral

Hmm.. Let me jump into conclusion.
 After church,
we went for Lunch,
so, after lunch, 
we went shopping around the Perak Town.
then we went in to a superstore.
I saw spaghetti !
I'm craving for it! 
So i decided to cook Spaghetti ..

One great thing is..
This is my FIRST time cooking spaghetti. XD
I cook together with Imelda.
Tresa helped us to cut the chicken meat.
Suzanna helped us to wash the plates, Hahaha.
Lennon? Eat 
and helped abit also la.. hahaha.

I'm having so lots of fun doing this.

Cooking Carbonara Mushroom sauce.
well, no gas, have to use Rice cooker.

We took spiral instead of Spaghetti.
cuz it is more easier to eat, i think.

This Is the Mushroom Soup!

Gorgeous , Delicious, Deculture.

Ahh.. How perfect!

Mushy roomy soupy .

yum.. yum..

 I never know that I can cook so well.
Proud of Myself !

After dinner,
Some problems happened to Imelda.
In all of sudden, she felt hard to breath.
All of us are so panic so we left the house as quickly as possible.
but, Thank God, She's okay right now. :)
God Bless Her.

then, we continue doing our assignment at the cafe.

Anyway, Guys, Thanks For the joyful day !

A wonderful memory has been created & saved. :)


Lots of Love,
Douglas Yuan

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