Monday 27 August 2012

Chapter 1. The Creation Isya, the gods, and the fall of Legal.

The universe was born in a sea of darkness and chaos. This primal force called itself Legel, and embodied both creation and destruction. Legel's ever churning forces gave birth to a myriad of worlds and creatures both great and small. Many creations were quickly snuffed out by the very force that made them, but there were areas of temporary calm. It was in one such peaceful location that the Goddess Teva and the world of Isya were born.

Like many before her, Teva was a being of tremendous power. She reveled in the power given to her by Legel, however temporary it might be. She was fully prepared to accept the inevitability of her own destruction at the hands of the very thing that created her.
But before this could happen, Teva looked down upon the world that had been born at the same time as she and saw a variety of new life on its surface. She saw many brutal and vile creatures upon this world, but also something else.

She saw children playing and animals nurturing and protecting their young. There were two species in particular that caught her eye. These species called themselves Humans, and Elves. What made them so remarkable was the fact that they continued to struggle even against all odds, even when most animals would have surrendered. They were frail compared to many other species on the new planet and should not have survived. But soon Teva began to see some of their virtues. She saw their kindness, their self sacrifice, but most of all something else she couldn't understand. Something kept them holding on even when ircumstances
were dire. Something made them fight on, even though there was no reason to believe in the future. These creatures called it 'hope'.

What was this hope these creatures held onto so desperately? How could such an indescribable, intangible feeling give them strength? How could it drive them to persevere against tremendous odds? Teva wanted to know more; she NEEDED to know more. But Legel had other plans.

Teva saw the bubble of calm surrounding both her and this strange world begin to collapse. Legel had come to reclaim what he had made, as he had done for eons. Teva decided she couldn't let this happen. Not this time; not until she understood this 'hope'. Teva used the power granted her by Legel in an attempt to hold back the forces threatened to destroy her and Isya. But those efforts were in vain. Teva felt herself becoming consumed by Legel.

She felt exasperation. Fear and uncertainty gripped her heart. Teva knew she couldn't possibly resist the awesome power of Legel.

Teva decided to take one last look at the world that was born with her and the strange species that possessed a strength she seemed to lack. Teva saw the people of the world looking up to her, seeing her attempts to save them. Once again, these creatures astounded her. For the first time Teva noticed they felt the fear that gripped her. It was a feeling of uncertainty. Was it always there? Did she somehow miss it? Or did its tight grip on her help her see it within others for the first time?

Despite the uncertainty, the Humans and Elves held onto their hope. Teva saw they wouldn't give up, even with Legel's awesome power threatening to crash down upon them. They hoped for something to save them. It somehow gave them the power to make it through one more day. Then Teva realized something else. The Humans and Elves were looking to her for hope; they wanted her to be the light capable of giving them a reason to look forward to a promising future.

For the first time in Teva's existence, she understood what hope was. She knew what it meant and why it gave these species such strength. Why they never gave up.

With a new found light within her, Teva pushed back against the darkness with renewed strength. She felt Legel lose ground ever so slightly. But it was enough. That small victory filled Teva with greater strength. She pushed harder, and every time Teva felt Legel back away a little more.

Legel couldn't believe what was happening. Something he created should stand no chance against his awesome might. Teva was not only resisting him; she was winning. Legel knew he was in a losing battle and began to fragment himself. Turning to pieces, Legel created many more beings like Teva. These became the gods.

Markis was the first god born of this fragmenting; Legel imbued him with powers of destruction. Pagel was next; Legel gifted him with greed. The goddess Apoline followed with the power of desire. Next was Anis, gifted with Legel's strength. Bijou was given Legel's power of creation. Last came Nik, imbued with the power of Darkness. As each god was born, Legel gave them a desire to reunite and once again make it whole. But Legel kept the greatest power for himself however. The power of Chaos.

Teva saw this happening but could do nothing, as she was completely focused on the battle with Legel. But Legel became extremely weak in the fragmentation process; so weak, in fact, that with a single mammoth effort Teva managed to seal Legel and the power of Chaos away. She buried the sealed God deep within the world of Isya. In a way it seemed fitting to her that Legel be imprisoned upon the very world which helped Teva defeat him.

Teva then introduced herself to the inhabitants of the world she just saved. They thanked and praised her, calling her the Goddess of Hope. But this is just the beginning of our story.


Lots Of Love,
Douglas Yuan

Source From,
Outspark, Fiesta Online.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Saturday 18 August 2012

Laptop and すし。

So it is the day for me to find my new Baby Darling whatever Laptop.  

I woke up about 8.30 O'clock In the morning today.
My Elder sister messaged me, asked me don't forget to bring along her Battery.
But, I read wrongly. I brought her Laptop, Battery charger and the mouse along. *Laughs*
so, as i arrived her house, I took out the laptop and she put at her room.
After that, we went out to the bus ticket selling shop. 
my sis asked what time is the next bus. The guy answered "10.30am".
and then he added, " if you want the 10 O'clock, you have to go to the town.
So my sister and I decided to take the 10 O'clock bus.

We bought the ticket and now we wait for the taxi to bring us to town.
After about 15 minutes, the taxi reached to us.
9.45 O'Clock in the morning, we reached to Perak town.
we went up to the bus and waited for a few minutes before it depart to Puduraya.

It took about an hour thirty minutes to reach puduraya. as soon as we reached there, we took
KL Monorail to Imbi. From there, we walked to Low Yat Plaza, the paradise of Modern Technologies.
this is my first time being here, in Low Yat. 
So, i as i arrived there, It's the time for me to...


It took me a very long time to find one,
we went up and went down, I think around 4 to 5 times.
At one precious moment, 11.50AM,
My Choice, My beloved baby. 
A red, Metallic and 3rd Generation. 
It cost me Ringgit Malaysia 2,040.
so I bought it. after that, we went for lunch at Sushi Sakae(すしさかえ) at Time Square.
this is what i ordered, My sis and I ordered the same thing.
with some side sushi's. Overall, it cost us RM106.40
so, after we done our lunch, we went for a walk around Time Square.

we took 5.00pm bus back to Tanjung Malim.
around 7.25pm, we arrived KHAR.
after that, i went to book my airplane ticket back to Sabah.
Therefore, thats all for now.


Lots Of Love,
Douglas Yuan.

Monday 13 August 2012

D' Sunday, Carbonara Mushroom Spiral

Hmm.. Let me jump into conclusion.
 After church,
we went for Lunch,
so, after lunch, 
we went shopping around the Perak Town.
then we went in to a superstore.
I saw spaghetti !
I'm craving for it! 
So i decided to cook Spaghetti ..

One great thing is..
This is my FIRST time cooking spaghetti. XD
I cook together with Imelda.
Tresa helped us to cut the chicken meat.
Suzanna helped us to wash the plates, Hahaha.
Lennon? Eat 
and helped abit also la.. hahaha.

I'm having so lots of fun doing this.

Cooking Carbonara Mushroom sauce.
well, no gas, have to use Rice cooker.

We took spiral instead of Spaghetti.
cuz it is more easier to eat, i think.

This Is the Mushroom Soup!

Gorgeous , Delicious, Deculture.

Ahh.. How perfect!

Mushy roomy soupy .

yum.. yum..

 I never know that I can cook so well.
Proud of Myself !

After dinner,
Some problems happened to Imelda.
In all of sudden, she felt hard to breath.
All of us are so panic so we left the house as quickly as possible.
but, Thank God, She's okay right now. :)
God Bless Her.

then, we continue doing our assignment at the cafe.

Anyway, Guys, Thanks For the joyful day !

A wonderful memory has been created & saved. :)


Lots of Love,
Douglas Yuan

Feraidey. [10th August 2012]

So.. like usual, after finish our co-curriculum class we'll go for our lunch.
This week, Melin is not following,

but, some miracle happens.
 Lennon Joined.
We ate at a Chinese restaurant. (don't really know what's the name)
I ordered "Char siew gai fan"
Suzanna ordered Chicken rice
Imelda and Tresa ordered Porridge. Pork porridge i think. = =
meanwhile, Lennon had his Pork Noodle. seriously, it taste awesome!

After Lunch, we went back to old campus, going back to KHAR.
Some photo taken while on the way back home. xD

It's a great Friday..

Kay, Bye.

Lots Of Love,

Tuesday 7 August 2012


The Feeling When you finished your Assignment.
It just feel so .. Great

Reading Portfolio - Done
Grammar - Done
Weekly Time Log - Starting
Journal - Haven't Start
Nationhood study - Haven't start
Malay Language Workbook - Starting
Co-curriculum Activities Manual - Haven't Start

My Feeling right now...


Kay, Bye.

Lots Of Love,

Monday 6 August 2012

Penalty Assignments.

I wanna Cry !!! I got no more idea to do my Reflection on my Articles !!

Marvelous Sunday.

Hmm, So.. After done doing my assignment (Not really done yet),
We went to town for lunch. I know what you will ask. Who is the We?
Well, It's Imelda, Tresa, Suzanna and I.

So, Like usual, i will go to my favorite Chinese Restaurant, U One Me

So I Ordered 'Loh' Pan mee.

This is how it looks like.
I ordered the ripped kind of Pan Mee.

A Girl Can Barely finish it.

This is the One that Imelda's Ordered.
this is Normal kind. Not ripped.

Suzanna and Tresa ate this.
I don't really like it.
I tasted Tresa one,
and it taste weird..

But whatever, at least im full eating my Lunch :D


Isn't it Look Awesome?

Be Jelly !!

So after Lunch, we went to Church for mass.
Today, kind of special, i Joined the Church Choir.
I'm singing the praise to the Lord.
It feels so awesome ! I can barely describe it.

After the Mass, we went to KFC to have our Dinner,
which is only passed 3 Hours of our Lunch just now..

I ordered,

- Pepsi
- Fun Fries
- Kentucky Chicken Nugget
- Additional Cheese

Overall, RM12.90

and... I had a great Dinner. LOL.

Hmm, This is what i do during walking around the town.

 Whats Up Yaw?!

Peace ! 

and... when practicing singing,

Aww.. I Look cute here ...

and... the below...

It Look awesome isn't it ??
I Want one!

Oh, when i got back to KHAR..
I saw most of the KHARians having 
dinner at the court.
Looks fun though but
Kinda scary..
cuz it's so silent...

Anyway.. I enjoyed this day..
I didn't even get to do my assignment after got back home...
At night, About 11pm, Chillin' Out with friends,
Imelda, Lennon and Suzanna..
talk about "Friends..." 
You know what i mean.. The "Friend"..


Lots Of Love,

Sunday 5 August 2012

Bapa Kami


Bapa Kami yang ada Di Surga.
DiMuliakanlah NamaMu
Datanglah kerajaanMu
Jadilah kehendakMu
Di atas bumi sperti di dalam Surga
Berilah kami rejeki
Pada hari ini
Dan ampunilah kesalahan kami
Sperti kami pun mengampuni
Yang bersalah pada kami
Dan janganlah masukkan Kami
Kedalam percobaan
Tetapi bebaskanlah kami
Dari yang Jahat ..

My Favorite Malay Christ Song.

Kay, Bye.

Lots Of Love,

Good Afterning !

cuz i woke up later today..
About 11:30am
Another Moody Afternoon...

I Hope it wont rain today...
I wanna go to church today..

May God Bless Us All. Have a Blessed Sunday.


Lots Of Love,