Wednesday 9 January 2013

Knifes, but words.


They live in this world and having their own life. 
Male and female, both are the same, but only one thing that makes them different.
Their attitude, personal attitudes. 
some people are good, but some are just awfully bad.
being a bad person doesn't mean that they are bad physically,
but can be mentally and from conversation.
sometime, people get discourage because of words.
Ugly, Bitch, Stupid, Idiot,
sounds normal to the "Perfect one" Ain't it? 
It might be light for you, but not for other people.
It might be just a piece of shit and shouldn't be worry about.
For some people,
A single word "Useless" is very offensive.
Maybe a sorry would be enough for that,
but, u just cleaned the wound,
how about the scars? Scratches and Holes.
Words, an invisible knife,
that makes people die.

-Dougy Yuan-

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